Queue Control Migration Wizard Mapping

Worldspan: Not available to Worldspan users.

This section provides information about how the uploaded files are used by Queue Control Console to populate the Queue Control Console database. Refer to Schedules: Queue Manager Migration Wizard for information on the files required for migration.

Reading the XML Queue Manager Configuration File

The XML Queue manager configuration file contains keys which direct the behavior of the application.

The following table shows the keys in the configuration file and how this information is mapped/used in Queue Control Console:


Queue Control Console Function



No direct mapping but is used

Validates with the host specified in the agency’s access methods. If it does not match, the system throws an error.


Not Applicable

The GWS sign on will be used.


Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



No direct mapping but is used

If this value is “DEFAULT”, the taskmain file is validated to contain the mapping files. If this value contains "UNTICKETED PNR MOVE", the taskmain file must contain the information/format for moving Unticketed PNRs.


No direct mapping but is used

The agent id is used to suffix the schedule name


Mapped to the Received from field for the End Booking handler



This will be the timing for  the scheduler

Any timer value less than 15 mins will defaulted to 15 mins.


Not Applicable



The value of the file name will be used and validated to see if it exists in the list of uploaded files.

The file referred here will be read to map out the actions, criteria, and handlers.


If this value =”Y”, the system checks if DistributeEvenly.xml file exists in the list of uploaded files.

If this value =”N”,  the system checks the “ApplicationMode” to determine if the taskmain file points to a file for “UNTICKETED PNR MOVE” or “DEFAULT” mode.

A Distribute PNRs evenly handler in Queue Control Console handles this function.


If the value is “Y”, End Booking handler will be configured with ignore and retrieve changes on error option checked.



Not Applicable

Queue Control Console does not run on the client machine and so this option is not relevant


If the value is “Y”, End Booking handler will be configured.



If the value is “Y”, TAU Check handler will be part of every mapped action of the schedule and TAU Value will be configured.

TAU check and update handler is available in Queue Control Console.


Not Applicable

It is assumed that any duplicate PCCs in the taskmain or mapping files are addressed before uploading it into Queue Manager.


Not Applicable

No email messages are sent when the PNRs are successfully moved to the appropriate queues as per current Queue Control Console functionality.


Mapped to Unmatched email recipients in action and also mapped to Failure email recipients in Action



Mapped to Unmatched email recipients in action and also mapped to Failure email recipients in Action



Mapped to Unmatched email recipients in Action and also mapped to Failure email recipients in Action



Not Applicable



Not Applicable

This function will be available in a subsequent version of Queue Control Console


Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Failure Queue configuration in Agency

If this value =Y, the system will make use of the failed and unmatched criteria queue.


Map to the Failure Queue number in Agency



Map to the Failure Queue category in Agency


To Queue

Value will be used in Move Unticketed PNRs handler



No direct mapping

This value is used to validate and determine whether the agent sign-on is the full sign on or the 2-letter sign-on.

  • If IsSmartPointUser=”N”, it is expected that the agents would have updated the current 2-letter SINES in the mapping files to the full sign-on values.

  • If IsSmartPointUser=”Y”, the current 2-letter agent sign-on in the mapping file works.


Not Applicable

The GWS sign on will be used.

Mapping Queue Manager Mapping File to Queue Control Console Criteria

The overall mindmap can be viewed and downloaded as a PDF.

The below table shows the criteria currently used in the mapping files for both 1G and 1V in Queue manager:

1G Criteria in Mapping file

1V Criteria in Mapping file

Queue Control Console Criteria


Distributed by SINE

Distributed by SINE

  • For non-Smartpoint users:
    “BookingFile->FullAgentSignOn equal to”

  • For Smartpoint users:
    “BookingFile->TwoLetterAgentSignOn equal to”

For non-smart point users, the users must update the current 2-digit SINE value to the agent’s complete SIGN-ON in the mapping XML file.

Distributed by NAME

Distributed by NAME

“BookingFile->PhoneNumber contains”

The value is obtained from the mapping XML file.

Distributed by DI.AC

Distributed by PT

For 1G:

  • BookingFile->DIRemarks Code is equal to “AC”

  • BookingFile->DIRemarksText contains “

For 1V:

  • “BookingFile->DIRemarks Code is equal to “CA”

  • BookingFile->DIRemarksText contains “

The value is obtained from the mapping XML file.

Distributed by CI

Not supported

“BookingFile->Customer Id contains”

The value is obtained from the mapping XML file.

Distributed by DI.X

Not supported

  • “BookingFile->DIRemarks Code is equal to “QD”

  • BookingFile->DIRemarksText contains”

The value is obtained from the mapping XML file.

Mapping Queue Manager Functions to Schedules, Actions, and Handlers

The mind map in the end of this section illustrates how Queue Control Console maps the schedules, actions, criteria, and handlers depending on the values in the configuration file.  The taskmain file and the timer value translates into a schedule. 

The schedules imported from Queue Manager are named based on the below logic.  Note that in every instance of file upload, there will just one schedule created.

  1. If DistributeEvenly (key in configuration file)=”Y” ,  the schedule name will be as below:

    Imported from Queue Manager-DistributePNRsEvenly-<<AgentId>>

    So if AgentId is “C21975”, the schedule name will be:
    Imported from Queue Manager-DistributePNRsEvenly- C21975

  2. If ApplicationMode (key in configuration file)=”Default” and DistributeEvenly=”N”, the schedule name will be as below:

    Imported from Queue Manager -<<name of the taskmain file>>- <<AgentId>>

    So if AgentId is “C21975” and taskmain file name is “TaskMain1.xml”, the schedule name will be:
    Imported from Queue Manager- TaskMain1- C21975

  3. If ApplicationMode (key in configuration file)=”UNTICKETED PNR MOVE” and DistributeEvenly=”N”, the schedule name will be as below:

    Imported from Queue Manager-MoveUnticketedPNRs - <<AgentId>>

    So if AgentId is “C21975”, the schedule name will be:
    Imported from Queue Manager-MoveUnticketedPNRs- C21975

Each of the records in the mapping file will correspond to a new action based on the common monitoring queue(s).  The action will be named as below:

Move to <<PCC>>/<<Queue>> *<<Category>> by <<queue manager criteria>>=<<criteria value>>

The examples highlighted in green below illustrate the names of action based on the above logic:

(Note: a snippet from the below mind map)

The first action created for the schedule will not inherit PNR. But for the subsequent actions, which monitor the same queue, the actions will have Inherit All PNR option set to true.  These actions will include the criteria available in the mapping file and the relevant handlers as illustrated below:

Once all the actions for the monitoring queue is complete, any unmatched PNRs should be moved to the failure queue as specified in the configuration file.  For this action, the option to Inherit All Un-matched PNRs from previous actions will be checked.

The hierarchy of handlers for the actions is in the order below:

  1. TAU Check and Update handler
  2. Cryptic command handler (as applicable)
  3. End booking handler
  4. Move to Queue Handler
  5. Remove from Queue Handler

This action will be named as:

Move remaining PNRs to << Target PCC>>/<<Target queue>>*<<Target category>>.  Refer to the example below in green.

If the records in mapping file (the criteria for moving the PNR) and the cryptic commands are the same but the monitoring queue is different the mapping file records will translate into the same action in Queue Control Console but with as many monitoring queues as is present in the taskmain file for the same mapping file records. The illustration below shows the actions that are monitoring two queues (queue XB7/40*CBA and XB7/41*CBA) for the same set of criteria and handlers corresponding to the similar records  in the taskmain and mapping file with monitoring queues being different. The left side represents the taskmain /mapping configuration. The right side represents the Queue Control Console configuration.

New actions are created for taskmain records based on a different monitoring queue and a different criteria or a different notepad entry from the earlier taskmain records as shown below. For these actions, the first action in the series (based on the same monitoring queue will not inherit any PNRs but the subsequent actions will have the InheritAllPNR option set to true. The unmatched PNRs is directed to the failure queue with as mentioned earlier and highlighted in red below.

If DistributeEvenly (key in configuration file) =Y, the schedule/actions and handlers created for this scenario is illustrated below. There will be one Distribute PNRs Evenly handler created under one action and one schedule to import this configuration from Queue Manager. The action is named “Distribute PNRs evenly among different queues” with Always run option set to true as it is not monitoring any specific queue.

If ApplicationMode (key in configuration file) =” UNTICKETED PNR MOVE” and DistributeEvenly=”N”, the schedule/actions and handlers created for this scenario is illustrated below.  Similar to the DistributePNRsEvenly scenario above, there is one Move un-ticketed PNRs handler created under one action and one schedule to import this configuration from Queue Manager. The action is named “Move un-ticketed PNRs” with Always run option set to true as it is not monitoring any specific queue.

The overall mindmap can be viewed and downloaded as a PDF.


Storyboards for Queue Manager Migration

Queue Manager - Move to Queue - default option

Queue Manager - Distribute evenly option

Queue Manager - Move Un-ticketed PNR option